
What you must know about water mildew

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What you must know about water mildew

It is also the high season of water mold, especially when the water temperature is 8-18 °C. Therefore, water mold is a fish disease that needs to be prevented in spring and early winter. However, the occurrence of water mold has several characteristics. As long as you pay attention to prevention, you can achieve good prevention and treatment.

1. Water molds grow in fresh or brackish water all year round, and water mold is hardly likely to occur in seawater. The higher water temperature in summer and autumn is not conducive to the reproduction of water mold, which is why we choose to disinfect with salt water once the water mold occurs, and the incidence of water mildew in summer and autumn is very low.

Second, the pathogen of water mold is a fungus rather than a bacterium. Therefore, when selecting a control drug, attention should be paid to the use of drugs that have a killing inhibitory effect on fungi instead of the commonly used bactericidal drugs. The main commonly used in aquatic products are povidone. Iodine, glutaraldehyde, salicylic acid, gallicin, etc., although malachite green has special effects, it is strictly prohibited to use except for ornamental fish, otherwise there is a risk of jail.

Third, the fish will not suffer from water mold if the fish is not injured. Because the fish body has the protection of mucus and scales, the water mold is difficult to invade, so whether it is daily management or fishing transportation, careful operation, not to cause fish injury is the best. Prevention method. Of course, the wounds invaded by parasites are also easy to open channels for the invasion of water mold. Pay attention to the prevention and control of parasites can effectively prevent secondary infection of water mold.

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4. When you see the long hair on the fish body, it is actually the late stage of water mold. The initial invisible symptoms are not visible to the naked eye. When the long hair is seen by the naked eye, the mycelium has invaded the damaged part of the fish. Therefore, it must be prevention-oriented. After pulling nets, fishing, and transportation, it is necessary to timely spray drugs to prevent the spread of water mold.

5. The lighter the water color and the clearer the water, the higher the incidence of water mold fungus, because the reproduction of bacterial algae will have a certain inhibitory effect on water mold. Therefore, once the water mold occurs, it is not recommended to use a disinfectant that kills algae and sterilizes.

Sixth, the stronger the body's physique is, the stronger the ability to resist disease. Therefore, early spring food is good for fish recovery, even if the disease recovers quickly, and the other is to keep the fish better and the appropriate density for winter.

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