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The story of "new fisherman" and the sea: building the offshore fishing base in Mauritania

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-08-24      Origin: Site

“Do you know where Mauritania is? The fishery resources there are very rich, and they are as beautiful and rich as Fujian.” Lan Pingyong, the “new fisherman” who was interviewed by the reporter of China News Service, asked.

Eight years ago, Lan Pingyong decided to build his offshore fishing base in Mauritania. At that time, friends around me felt that the idea was almost crazy. Mauritania, a country in northwest Africa, is more than 10,000 nautical miles from the Fujian province where he lives.

Lan Pingyong, chairman of Fuzhou Hongdong Fishery Co., Ltd., told reporters that as early as that, he had to judge that he must "go out" and move from offshore to offshore and from the ocean to the ocean is an inevitable trend of international fishery cooperation.

Since 2009, Lan Pingyong has begun to inspect many countries in Africa and South America. In June 2010, in Nouadhibou, Mauritania, he noticed that the local fishery resources are abundant, but the processing and preservation technologies are backward and the development space is huge. What made him even more determined is that the local comprehensive fishery development legislation has made specific provisions on fishing tools, production systems and means. "Only perfect legislation has sustainable industrial development."

A comprehensive offshore fishing base covering a total investment of 300 million US dollars and covering an area of ​​90,000 square meters covering the whole industry chain such as fishing, warehousing, processing, shipbuilding and desalination, has risen on the edge of the desert in Mauritania. Now, there are 25 containers per week, and the total amount of fish over 2,500 tons is sent to China, Europe, America, Japan and South Korea.

"Every week there will be a fleet of five-star red flags flying, full of seafood on the west coast of Africa, and after a voyage of more than 50 days, we will arrive in Fuzhou," Lan Pingyong said.

Huang Ping Town, Lianjiang County, born and raised by Lan Pingyong, is located in the southeast coast of China. It is located between the two fishing grounds of Jidong and Yuzhong. It has a superior geographical position and is a well-known fishing town. Lan Pingyong's grandfather is a local fisherman. He still can't forget the scene of his grandfather taking him out to sea during his childhood: shaking a small seesaw to the sea and walking through the wind and waves.

However, Lan Pingyong was originally engaged in international trade in light industry. It was not until 1999 that he bought two ships in partnership with several fellow villagers. He only continued the family tradition and became a "new fisherman".

"I have a deep fisherman's complex," Lan Pingyong said. Since then, the Chinese “new fisherman” fleet has expanded rapidly and the scale of fisheries has grown.

At present, “Hongdong Fishery” is the second largest enterprise in Mauritania, with an annual output value of more than 500 million yuan, driving more than 2,500 local jobs. “Hongdong Fisheries” signed a 50-year fishery cooperation agreement with Mauritania, and other African countries also hope to cooperate.

Talking about the success on the west coast of Africa, Lan Pingyong believes that the most important reason is mutual benefit and win-win.

During the interview, Lan Pingyong took out his mobile phone and opened a picture to the reporter: "The company not only teaches local fishermen how to sail and catch fish, but also builds training centers and staff cultural activities centers in the park. Local staff."

The strength of China is another key factor. For example, he said that due to the safety factors in the Somali waters of the Gulf of Aden, the large fleet of “Hongdong Fisheries” had to choose to travel to the Cape of Good Hope to travel to China; now, the fleet passes through the Somali waters of the Gulf of Aden, and is escorted by Chinese warships. For ten days, this made the crew feel very proud.

At the National People's Congress in March this year, Lan Pingyong, the first NPC deputy, put forward the proposal of "continuing to support the healthy development of the offshore fishing industry." He hopes to provide legal guarantee for the long-term safe operation of the offshore fishing base, and also hopes that the “Belt and Road” initiative will promote more countries to participate in cooperation and mutual benefit.

"I want to bring the most natural, best quality and healthiest seafood to the table." Lan Pingyong said. (Finish)

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