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Shanghai Daling Food Co., Ltd. invited to visit the fishing fair!

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-08-24      Origin: Site

Nagasaki fresh fish, innovative traditional Japanese cognition

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Japan is a world-famous major aquatic product, and Nagasaki is best known for producing rich and colorful aquatic products. Nagasaki Prefecture has the longest coastline in Japan and is a natural fishery with excellent conditions all over the world. There are more than 300 kinds of aquatic products listed on the Nagasaki Fish Market each year, making it the largest fish market in Japan. Nowadays, Nagasaki fresh fish is not only sold well in Japan, but also exported to China by air. As we all know, Chinese cuisine is dominated by river fish, followed by marine fish. Moreover, there is no concept of "fresh fish" in Chinese cuisine. Many people think that "fresh" is "living". However, Nagasaki fresh fish has different interpretations of the word "fresh". With the continuous development of China's economy, the consumption of per capita aquatic products will also increase, and Nagasaki fresh fish has more and more embarked on the table of ordinary people in China. Nagasaki Aquatic Products not only enriches the Chinese market, but also enhances the quality of the domestic Japanese material industry, and is also an epoch-making product.

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Shanghai Daling Food Co., Ltd.

Booth No.: 8F13

In January 2014, Zhejiang Dayang Family and Japan's Mitsubishi Corporation Fisheries Department and Shanghai Changshen Fish City jointly funded the establishment of “Shanghai Daling Food Co., Ltd.”. A new prologue has been opened for the realization of global procurement of aquatic products in China's domestic market and the realization of safe and delicious aquatic products.

   The advantage of Shanghai Daling is that there are both Mitsubishi's aquatic product supply bases and procurement bases around the world, as well as the deep sea resources and deep processing bases of the Ocean Family's self-fishing fishing fleet. After 13 years of accumulation, more than 1,300 catering and distribution customers have been directly supplied to customers. There are more than 30 direct-supply customers of Shangchao and e-commerce, and there are more than forty companies directly operating high-end seafood supermarkets and catering. The store, from the physical retail trading platform to the pursuit of innovation, specialization and diversification of gourmet cuisine. It has truly realized the internationalization industry combining the aquatic product world procurement network and the domestic three-dimensional direct marketing, and strives to become the pioneer leader of China's aquatic product consumption.

   In today's world, health food safety food is an important part of life, and Shanghai Daling proposes the corporate slogan of “providing safe, safe and delicious marine food”. It is through professional procurement of aquatic products all over the world, under strict hygiene standards. The three advantages of fresh-keeping processing and complete direct sales network strive to become the leading enterprise in the domestic industry and an international enterprise providing world food supply.

Product display

Nagasaki Prefecture is located at the western end of Japan, and the long and winding coastline creates an excellent fishing ground. Nagasaki Prefecture’s fishery production ranks second in Japan. The number of fish listed in Nagasaki is as many as 600, making it the number one in Japan.

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Among them, natural fish species such as horse mackerel, squid, octopus, and scorpion caught in the waters around Nagasaki are of high quality, and farmed fish represented by tuna and farmed carp are also of superior quality.

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At the end of the 17th century, Nagasaki Port was prosperous as a logistics base at home and abroad. High-grade aquatic products such as shark's fin and dried abalone are exported to China and other countries like tribute. Now Nagasaki fish is not only sold well in Japan, it is also exported to China by air. In China, Nagasaki fresh fish has been on the table of ordinary people in China more and more frequently.

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 Now, Nagasaki fresh fish is airlifted three times a week to Shanghai, China. In addition to Shanghai and Beijing, Nagasaki fish has entered 35 provinces and cities in China, and about 550 dealers operate Nagasaki fish. The fish caught on the same day will appear in the Chinese market the next day. Since the Nagasaki fresh fish entered the Chinese market, it has been loved by Chinese consumers with its safe and secure features and delicious mouth.

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